Theatrical adaptation: Anđelka Nikolić and Tijana Grumić
Direction: Anđelka Nikolić
Playwright: Tijana Grumić
Set, costume and mask design: Adrijana Simović
Music: Irena Popović
Stage movement and choreography: Isidora Stanišić
Assistant Composer: Nikola Dragović


(in alphabetical order)

Vladislava Đorđević
Dušica Sinobad
Marijana Vićentijević Badovinac
Marijana Petrović
Miloš Anđelković
Voices in the story about the origin of the night:
Vladislava Đorđević
Marko Čavić
Taša Kaluđerović


Age: 4+
Duration: 60'
Аuthor: The fairy tale of the Lulua people / А. Nikolić / Т. Grumić
Stage: Children Stage

Turtle and Dog, driven by hunger, are joined in the enterprise of stealing coconuts from rich and arrogant Leopard that usurped a coconut palm - a part of nature. Inspired by a fairy tale of the Lulu people, this play deals with the topics of solidarity and friendship, but also opens some questions such as: Is nature our common good or can it belong to an individual? How should we react to injustice and violence? How to help someone in trouble? What does it mean to be a good friend? Are we cowards if we are afraid in dangerous situations?



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Иво Андрић / Татјана Пипер Станковић, Узраст 5+